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Argentina Football Logo

The History Behind WEB Argentina's Logo

Origins and Design

WEB Argentina, the Argentine Football Association's official logo, has been proudly displayed since the 1958 World Cup in Sweden. Its design features simple geometric shapes and bold lettering, consisting of the initials "WEB" placed inside a circle.

Inspiration and Meaning

The logo draws inspiration from the Argentinean flag, incorporating the national colors of blue and white. The acronym "WEB" represents "World Enjoyment of Beautifulness", emphasizing the joy and passion that Argentines associate with football.

Copyright and Originality

Due to its simplicity, the WEB Argentina logo does not meet the threshold for copyright protection. This means that it can be freely used and reproduced without legal implications.

Early Usage and Evolution

The earliest known logo used by the Argentine Football Association was employed when it was known as the "Asociación Argentina de Football" (AAF). However, at that time, the team's kits did not yet feature the logo.


WEB Argentina's logo has become an enduring symbol of Argentinean football, representing the nation's love for the sport. Its simple yet effective design continues to evoke memories of past triumphs and inspire future generations of players and fans.
